企業兼大株主中部電力東証プライム:9502】「電気・ガス業 twitterでつぶやくへ投稿

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「八代バイオマス発電所」の営業運転を開始link.gif 2024年06月17日 05時00分

中部電力株式会社(本社:名古屋市東区、代表取締役社長:林 欣吾、以下「中部電力」)、東邦ガス株式会社(本社:名古屋市熱田区、代表取締役社長:増田 信之、以下「東邦ガス」)および株式会社エネ・ビジョン(本社:名古屋市千種区、代表取締役社長:山口 昌典、以下「エネ・ビジョン」)が共同で出資する合同会社くまもと森林発電(以下「本事業会社」)は、八代バイオマス発電所(熊本県八代市、以下「本発電所」)の建設工事を完了し、昨日16日に営業運転を開始しました。 本発電所は、発電出力75,000kWの木質専焼のバイオマス発電所で、年間約4.8億kWhの発電を予定しております。 地域の皆さまおよび関係各所の皆さまには、本発電所の建設工事にご理解、ご協力を賜りまして、厚く御礼申し上げます。 出資者3社および本事業会社は、地域の皆さまの安全・安心に最大限に配慮のうえ、本発電所を運営するとともに、本発電所の運転を通じて、今後とも持続可能な循環型社会の実現に貢献してまいります。 【八代バイオマス発電所の全景】 【八代バイオマス発電所の概要】 発電設備所在地 熊本県八代市新港町二丁目3番1号 発電出力 75,000kW 想定年間発電電力量 約4.8億kWh(一般家庭約15万世帯分に相当) 燃料種別 木質ペレット、木質チップ(熊本県産の未利用間伐材等) 工事開始 2022年4月18日 営業運転開始 2024年6月16日 【合同会社くまもと森林発電の概要】 設立 2020年5月 本社所在地 熊本県八代市新港町二丁目3番1号 代表者 職務執行者 窪塚 直亮(中部電力) 事業内容 バイオマス発電事業 出資会社 中部電力(49%)、東邦ガス(37%)、エネ・ビジョン(14%)

元取締役に対する損害賠償請求の訴えの取り下げについてlink.gif 2024年06月06日 09時30分

2024年3月4日、中部地区における大口需要家向け都市ガス供給に関して、中部電力株式会社(代表取締役社長:林 欣吾、以下「中部電力」)は独占禁止法に基づく課徴金納付命令を、中部電力ミライズ株式会社(代表取締役:神谷 泰範)は独占禁止法に基づく排除措置命令および課徴金納付命令等を、公正取引委員会からそれぞれ受けました。 (同日お知らせ済み。以下「本件」) 2024年5月29日、中部電力は、本件に関する任務懈怠があったとして、元取締役1名に対する損害賠償請求の訴えを名古屋地方裁判所に提起しました。 (同日お知らせ済み。以下「本件訴え」) 本日までに本件訴えにおける損害賠償請求額全額が弁済されたことから、本日、中部電力の全監査役は、本件訴えを取り下げることを決定しました。準備が整い次第、速やかに名古屋地方裁判所に対して取り下げの手続きを行う予定です。 今後、二度と独占禁止法違反事案を起こさず、またそのような疑いを持たれることがないよう、コンプライアンスの更なる徹底に努めてまいります。

元取締役に対する損害賠償請求訴訟の提起についてlink.gif 2024年05月29日 08時00分

2024年3月4日、中部地区における大口需要家向け都市ガス供給に関して、中部電力株式会社(代表取締役社長:林 欣吾、以下「中部電力」)は独占禁止法に基づく課徴金納付命令を、中部電力ミライズ株式会社(代表取締役:神谷 泰範、以下「中部電力ミライズ」)は独占禁止法に基づく排除措置命令および課徴金納付命令等を、公正取引委員会からそれぞれ受けました。 (同日お知らせ済み。以下「本件」) 中部電力および中部電力ミライズ(以下「両社」)の監査役は、本件に係る両社の現取締役および元取締役(以下「調査対象取締役」)に対する責任追及の必要性について、本件に係る調査対象取締役とは利害関係のない外部法律事務所に調査を委託し、その結果を両社の監査役会等にて精査し、対応を検討しました。 2024年5月28日、中部電力の全監査役は、調査対象取締役のうち、元取締役1名に対し、本件に関する任務懈怠があったとして、責任追及の訴えを提起することを決定しました。 (同日お知らせ済み。) 中部電力は、本日、元取締役1名に対する損害賠償請求訴訟を名古屋地方裁判所に提起しましたので、お知らせします。 <損害賠償請求訴訟の概要> 提訴日 2024年5月29日 提訴裁判所 名古屋地方裁判所 原告 中部電力株式会社(代表者:常任監査役 片岡 明典) 被告 清水 成信 氏 損害賠償請求額 金6,978万7,881円およびこれに対する遅延損害金

2024年5月度 定例記者会見 林社長挨拶link.gif 2024年05月28日 07時00分

本日、私からは、 再生可能エネルギーの最大限の活用に向けた取り組み について、お話しします。

公正取引委員会からの中部地区における大口需要家向け都市ガス…link.gif 2024年05月28日 05時30分

2024年3月4日、中部地区における大口需要家向け都市ガス供給に関して、中部電力株式会社(代表取締役社長:林 欣吾、以下「中部電力」)は独占禁止法に基づく課徴金納付命令を、中部電力ミライズ株式会社(代表取締役:神谷 泰範、以下「中部電力ミライズ」)は独占禁止法に基づく排除措置命令および課徴金納付命令等を、公正取引委員会からそれぞれ受けました。 (同日お知らせ済み。以下「本件」) 中部電力および中部電力ミライズ(以下「両社」)の監査役は、本件に係る両社の現取締役および元取締役(以下「調査対象取締役」)に対する責任追及の必要性について、本件に係る調査対象取締役とは利害関係のない外部法律事務所に調査を委託し、その結果を両社の監査役会等にて精査し、対応を検討してまいりました。 本日、中部電力の全監査役は、調査対象取締役のうち、元取締役1名に対し、本件に関する任務懈怠があったとして、以下のとおり、責任追及の訴えを提起することを決定しました(詳細は、別紙「監査役における検討結果」)。 元取締役の氏名:清水 成信 氏損害賠償請求額:金 70百万円程度 また、両社は、本件に関して受注調整が疑われる行為を実施していたことが確認された役職員2名に対する対応を検討してまいりました。 検討の結果、両社は、当該役職員2名に対し、それぞれ損害賠償請求を行っていくとともに、中部電力ミライズは、当該役職員の内1名に対し、社内規程に則り厳正に処分しました。 今後、二度と独占禁止法違反事案を起こさず、またそのような疑いを持たれることがないよう、コンプライアンスの更なる徹底に努めてまいります。

2024年4月分中部エリアの需要実績link.gif 2024年05月23日 05時00分

アンモニア混焼小型貫流ボイラの開発に向けた取り組みlink.gif 2024年05月21日 06時00分

三浦工業株式会社(代表取締役: 米田 剛、以下「三浦工業」)と中部電力株式会社(代表取締役社長:林 欣吾、以下「中部電力」)は、このたび、都市ガスとアンモニアを混焼する小型貫流ボイラ(以下「アンモニア混焼ボイラ」)の開発に向けた共同研究に関する契約(以下「本契約」)を締結いたしました。また、中部電力ミライズ株式会社(代表取締役:神谷 泰範、以下「中部電力ミライズ」)を加えた3社は、アンモニア混焼ボイラの商品化および販売に向けた検討を進めることで合意しました。 現在、工場等を中心に利用されている産業用ボイラは、主に重油やガスを燃料としており、2050年カーボンニュートラルの達成に向けて、燃焼時にCO2を排出しない水素やアンモニア等の燃料への転換が求められております。 この中でもアンモニアは、輸送や貯蔵の技術が確立されているため、早期に社会実装が可能な脱炭素エネルギーとして期待されております。一方で、高温で安定的に燃焼することが困難であり、また、燃焼時に発生するNOx(窒素酸化物)の低減が求められる等、燃料としての利用には更なる技術革新を行う必要があります。 今後、三浦工業と中部電力は、本契約に基づき、都市ガスとアンモニアの混焼バーナの開発や、中部電力の技術開発本部(愛知県名古屋市)内に設置する実験設備を用いた燃焼試験等に取り組んでまいります。また、中部電力ミライズを加えた3社で、アンモニア混焼ボイラの市場調査や製品仕様等の検討を行い、早期の商品化を目指してまいります。 3社は、産業分野における熱利用工程の脱炭素ソリューションにより、お客さまの脱炭素化の取り組みを支援することで、カーボンニュートラル社会の実現に貢献してまいります。

第568回社債「第3回中部電力グリーンボンド」および第569回社債…link.gif 2024年05月16日 06時00分

当社は、第568回社債「第3回中部電力グリーンボンド」(注)および第569回社債を発行することとし、本日募集をいたしました。 発行条件など概要は下記のとおりです。 (注)脱炭素社会実現に向けた取り組みの推進や資金調達の多様化の観点から、調達資金の使途を再生可能エネルギーの開発など、環境改善プロジェクトに限定し発行する債券 記 1 第568回社債「第3回中部電力グリーンボンド」 1 発行額 100億円 2 各社債の金額 100万円 3 表面利率 年1.214% 4 払込金額(発行価額) 額面100円につき金100円 5 応募者利回り 年1.214% 6 期間(償還期日) 10年(2034年5月25日) 7 償還方法 満期一括償還 8 利払日 毎年5月25日および11月25日 9 払込期日(発行日) 2024年5月22日 10 募集期間 2024年5月16日 11 募集方法 公募 12 資金の使途 再生可能エネルギーの開発・建設・運営・改修 13 担保 電気事業法による一般担保 14 社債管理者 株式会社三井住友銀行(代表)、 株式会社みずほ銀行および 株式会社三菱UFJ銀行 15 引受金融商品取引業者 三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券株式会社、 みずほ証券株式会社および しんきん証券株式会社の共同主幹事3社 16 振替機関 株式会社証券保管振替機構 2 第569回社債 1 発行額 80億円 2 各社債の金額 100万円 3 表面利率 年1.987% 4 払込金額(発行価額) 額面100円につき金100円 5 応募者利回り 年1.987% 6 期間(償還期日) 20年(2044年5月25日) 7 償還方法 満期一括償還 8 利払日 毎年5月25日および11月25日 9 払込期日(発行日) 2024年5月22日 10 募集期間 2024年5月16日 11 募集方法 公募 12 資金の使途 設備資金、借入金返済資金、社債償還資金および中部電力パワーグリッド株式会社への貸付資金 13 担保 電気事業法による一般担保 14 社債管理者 株式会社三井住友銀行(代表)、 株式会社みずほ銀行および 株式会社三菱UFJ銀行 15 引受金融商品取引業者 みずほ証券株式会社、 野村證券株式会社、 東海東京証券株式会社および 三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券株式会社の共同主幹事4社 16 振替機関 株式会社証券保管振替機構

株式報酬制度の一部改定link.gif 2024年05月14日 06時00分

当社は、本日、株式報酬制度「株式給付信託(BBT(=Board Benefit Trust))」(以下「本制度」)の一部改定(以下「本改定」)を決議し、下記のとおり、本改定に関する議案を2024年6月26日開催の第100期定時株主総会(以下「本株主総会」)に付議することといたしました。 記 1.改定の背景および目的 当社は、2019年6月26日開催の第95期定時株主総会において、当社の取締役(社外取締役を除く)を対象とした本制度の導入についてご承認いただき、その後、2020年5月8日開催の取締役会において、本制度の対象者の追加について決議し、また、2021年6月25日開催の第97期定時株主総会において、当社の取締役(社外取締役を除く)に給付される当社株式数の上限等の決定について、2022年6月28日開催の第98期定時株主総会において、中期経営目標の期間変更に伴う信託金額(報酬の額)および取締役(社外取締役を除く)に給付される当社株式数の上限の改定についてご承認いただき、現在に至っております。 今般、当社は、本株主総会での承認可決を条件として監査等委員会設置会社に移行いたしますが、当社グループの中長期的な企業価値の向上に貢献する意識をより一層高めるため、本制度の対象者に社外取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)および監査等委員である取締役を追加するとともに、報酬等の総額における株式報酬の割合を引き上げるため、取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)に対する株式報酬制度の改定および監査等委員である取締役に対する株式報酬制度導入に関する議案を、本株主総会に付議することといたしました。 2.本改定の内容(下線は、現行の本制度からの変更箇所を示します。) 項目 改定前 改定後 対象者 【当社】 取締役(社外取締役を除く)、 取締役を兼務しない執行役員等 【中部電力ミライズ】 取締役(社外取締役を除く)、 取締役を兼務しない執行役員等 【当社】 取締役(注)、 取締役を兼務しない執行役員等 (注)社外取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)、監査等委員である取締役を含む。 【中部電力ミライズ】 取締役(注)、 取締役を兼務しない執行役員等 (注)社外取締役を含む。 対象期間(注1)における信託金額の上限 13億3,000万円 (うち当社の取締役(社外取締役を除く)分として5億3,000万円) 28億円 (うち当社の取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)分として9億円(うち社外取締役分として4,000万円)、当社の監査等委員である取締役分として8,000万円)(注2) 対象期間(注1)における取締役等に付与されるポイントの上限に相当する株式数 115万株 (うち当社の取締役(社外取締役を除く)分として47万株) 243万株 (うち当社の取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)分として80万株(うち社外取締役分として4万株)、当社の監査等委員である取締役分として8万株)(注3) (注1)2023年3月期から2026年3月期までの4事業年度およびその後4事業年度ごとの期間 (注2)2023年3月期から開始している対象期間(以下「現対象期間」という)の追加拠出額の上限については、期中に上記改定を行うことから、20億6,500万円(うち当社の取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)分として7億1,500万円(うち社外取締役分として2,000万円)、監査等委員である取締役分として4,000万円)といたします。 (注3)現対象期間に付与されるポイントの上限に相当する株式数については、期中に上記改定を行うことから、179万株(うち当社の取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)分として63万5,000株(うち社外取締役分として2万株)、監査等委員である取締役分として4万株)といたします。 (注4)中部電力ミライズにおいては、2024年6月20日開催予定の第5期定時株主総会に、本改定に係る議案を付議する予定です。

愛知県新城市および設楽町における陸上風力発電事業の検討取り…link.gif 2024年05月14日 02時00分

中部電力株式会社(本社:名古屋市東区、代表取締役社長:林 欣吾)および株式会社OSCF(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:梅田 明利)は、このたび、愛知県新城市および北設楽郡設楽町において、開発可能性を検討してきた陸上風力発電事業(以下、「本事業計画」)について、検討を取り止めることを決定しました。 本事業計画については、環境影響評価法に基づき「計画段階環境配慮書」を2022年1月17日に経済産業大臣、愛知県知事、新城市長、設楽町長および豊田市長へ送付しました。(2022年1月17日お知らせ済) しかしながら、本事業計画の事業実施想定区域での風況観測の結果等をもとに、詳細検討した結果、十分な事業性を確保することが困難であるとの判断に至り、本日、環境影響評価法に基づき「第一種事業の廃止等通知書」を経済産業大臣、愛知県知事、新城市長、設楽町長および豊田市長へ提出しました。 地域の方々をはじめとする関係者の皆さまには、これまで多大なるご支援とご協力をいただきましたことに、あらためて感謝申し上げます。 両社は、引き続き再生可能エネルギー拡大の取り組みを通じて、脱炭素社会の実現に貢献してまいります。

オランダ洋上風力発電事業会社Ecowende社の株式取得を完了link.gif 2024年05月09日 06時00分

当社は、当社が出資するオランダの総合エネルギー企業Eneco社(以下「Eneco」)とShell社がオランダで共同開発中のHollandse Kust West Site VI洋上風力発電プロジェクト(以下「本プロジェクト」)に参画することとし、本プロジェクトの事業会社であるEcowende社(以下「本事業会社」)の株式のうちEnecoが保有する株式の一部を取得する株式譲渡契約をEnecoと締結しました。(2024年2月2日お知らせ済み) その後、規制当局の承認を経て、昨日、本事業会社の株式の取得を完了しました。 本プロジェクトは、オランダ政府が2022年5月に公募した洋上風力海域の事業権入札において、2023年5月に本事業会社が落札した案件であり、出力76万kWで、2026年の運転開始を目指しております。 当社は、今回、本プロジェクトの事業主体に直接出資することで、洋上風力発電設備の建設初期段階から運営に至るノウハウと生態系保護に関する取組みの知見を蓄積し、今後、国内外の洋上風力発電事業で活用していきます。 当社は、グローバル事業において、再生可能エネルギーを中心としたグリーン領域、脱炭素に関するブルー領域、小売・送配電・新サービス領域およびフロンティア領域の4領域を最適に組み合わせることで、脱炭素社会の実現に貢献するとともに、さらなる収益拡大に取り組んでまいります。

Participation in JICA Project “Road Map for Zero Fossil Fue…link.gif 2024年02月09日 05時00分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (“Chubu”) , Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. and SeED Okinawa LLC have entered into a consulting service agreement with Japan International Cooperation Agency (“JICA”) regarding “ Road Map for Zero Fossil Fuel in Galapagos Islands Project ”(“Project”). In Galapagos Islands, thermal power generation from fossil fuel, mainly diesel power generation, accounts for the majority of the power source, and the electricity demand is expected to increase significantly in the future due to the population increase with the further development of tourism industry. Under these circumstances, in order to support sustainable development in Galapagos islands, the government of the Republic of Ecuador is accelerating efforts to reduce the use of fossil fuels, such as formulating an energy transition plan for Galapagos Islands. The Project will investigate the potential of renewable energy such as geothermal power generation in the Galapagos Islands, optimize the planning, operation, and maintenance of the power generation system that combines existing diesel power generation with renewable energy, storage batteries, etc., and aim to achieve energy savings. The Project will be conducted from February 2024 to February 2027 for the purpose of creating a draft scenario for Zero fossil fuel. Through the Project, we will utilize our experience and know-how cultivated over the years in the domestic electric power business and overseas consulting business to contribute to the development of the electric power business in Republic of Ecuador. We will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society and Chubu Electric Power Group Management Vision 2.0 by active expanding of our global business, including overseas consulting business. 【Summary of the project】 Target Area Galapagos Islands and mainland Republic of Ecuador Related government /institutions Ministerio de Energía y Minas (MEM) CELEC EP, ELECGALÁPAGOS, others Period February, 2024 ~ February, 2027 Main Tasks Following technical supports and transfer contributing to the creation of road map for zero fossil fuels: Planning a renewable energy development scenario Potential investigation of geothermal power generation Potential investigation of solar and wind power generation Study and proposal of power system stabilization measures Optimization of the planning, operation, and maintenance of the power generation system that combines existing diesel power generation with renewable energy, storage batteries, etc. Study of introducing demand response scheme Study and proposal of energy saving measures Creation of a draft road map for energy saving Implementation of the pilot projects for heat pumps and desiccant air conditioning Proposal of energy saving and decarbonization measures in the transportation fields Study of introducing zero energy buildings (ZEB) and zero energy homes (ZEH) 【Reference】Location of the Republic of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands

Participation in the Netherlands Offshore Wind Power Projectlink.gif 2024年02月02日 06時00分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (“Chubu”) has decided to participate in Hollandse Kust West (“HKW”) Site VI offshore wind power project (“Project”) located approximately 53km off the northwest coast of the Netherlands, which is being developed by Shell plc (“Shell”) and N.V. Eneco (“Eneco”), and has entered into an agreement with Eneco to obtain 30% of equity shares of Ecowende C.V. (“Project Company”), the operating company of the Project. For Chubu, this is the first time to directly invest in an offshore wind power project outside Japan. In December 2022, the consortium between Shell and Eneco acquired the concession right to operate the Project through public tender. The Project Company is planning to construct an offshore wind farm, which can supply 760MW to the Dutch power grid, and will start its commercial operation in 2026. This Project will implement various measures to promote harmony with marine ecosystems. Hiroki Sato, Senior Managing Executive Officer and Division CEO of Global Business at Chubu, commented: “This is a significant step for us to enhance our partnership with Eneco and Shell. The main concept of this Project is Ecological Innovation, which is the first one for offshore wind farm in the world. Thanks to this concept, Ecowende will build and operate the wind farm with minimal impact on the environment and protected species. I am convinced that the concept of Ecological Innovation will become mainstream globally in the near future, including Japan and Asia.” As Tempelman, President & CEO at Eneco, stated that: “I am very pleased with Chubu’s participation in Ecowende. Our strategic partnership is much valued, and this arrangement will intensify our collaboration in the offshore wind business. Furthermore, the divestment proceeds will enable us to make new investments in renewable energy assets as part of our One Planet Plan, with the goal of becoming a climate neutral energy company in 2035”. By participating in the Project directly, Chubu expects to acquire experience in the offshore wind power business from the beginning of the construction all the way to operation, as well as knowledge of Ecological Innovation. Chubu intends to apply the experience and knowledge gained through this Project to offshore wind farm projects in Japan and other countries. In Chubu’s global business, we will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society and further increase earnings by building an optimal portfolio that combines the segments of (i) “Green Field” centered on renewable energy, (ii) “Blue Field” in relation to decarbonization, (iii) “Retail, power transmission and distribution, and new services” and (iv) “Frontier Field”. 【Summary of the Project】 Location Approx. 53 kilometers off the northwest coast of the Netherlands Grid capacity 760MW Schedule 2024: Start of construction 2026: Start of commercial operation Shareholding company(Note) Shell (60%), Chubu (30%), Eneco (10%) (Note)After participation by Chubu Project Site Image of the Offshore Wind Farm ⓒEcowende C.V., All rights reserved.

Organizational Revision Effective April 01, 2024link.gif 2024年01月31日 07時20分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. would like to inform that the company has decided to revise its organization effective April 1, 2024, and hereby provide you with the main contents of the revision. 1 Strengthen DX promotion structure and cyber security In order to strengthen the DX promotion structure and security measures for the entire group, DX Promotion Office will be established by integrating the DX promotion functions of DX Strategy Promotion Office and IT System Center's IT system-related planning, development, maintenance, cybersecurity response, and other functions. 2 Strengthen legal and compliance structures In order to strengthen the legal and compliance functions for prompt and accurate responses to legal risks, the legal and compliance functions of Business Administration Division will be made independent and Compliance Division will be established. 3 Review of the structure regarding human resources strategy In May last year, the basic concept of the company’s human resources strategy was compiled to secure and develop a diverse range of human resources and to enable them to fully demonstrate their abilities. Going forward, the functions of Human Resources Strategy Office will be integrated into Human Resources Center in order to accelerate specific initiatives by integrating the strategy formulation functions of Human Resources Strategy Office with the system design and other functions of Human Resources Center. 4 Review of the structure for restarting Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station In order for General Manager of Nuclear Power Division to make prompt decisions and responses to various issues on the restart of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station from a position close to management, Hamaoka Nuclear Central Administration Office will be abolished (Note) and the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station and Hamaoka Community Relations Office currently under Nuclear Power Department will be transferred (Note) directly under Nuclear Power Division. In addition, the functions of Planning Office of Nuclear Power Division will be integrated into Nuclear Power Department in order to accelerate future efforts to restart operations by integrating the functions of Planning Office of Nuclear Power Division, i.e., formulation of division-wide strategies and policies, with the functions of Nuclear Power Department, i.e., handling examinations. (Note) The abolition of Hamaoka Nuclear Central Administration Office and the transfer of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station require the approval of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which, together with the transfer of Hamaoka Community Relations Office, may take place on or after April 1, depending on the timing of the approval.

Measures to reduce burden of electricity and other costs in…link.gif 2024年01月31日 06時40分

Although the business environment for the Chubu Electric Power Group remains uncertain, in light of low fuel prices and group-wide management efforts, the Group has decided today to implement measures to reduce electricity rates and other burdens by approximately 130 billion yen in FY2024, the same amount as in FY2023. 1. Measures to reduce electricity rates for extra high-voltage and high-voltage customers (continued) For electricity rates in FY2024, all extra high-voltage and high-voltage customers in the Chubu area will receive a discount of 1.74 yen per kWh (Note 1) from the fuel cost adjustment unit price for the full year. This discount will reduce customers’ burden by approximately 5.2 to 7.2% (Note 2). The scale of implementation is expected to be approximately 120 billion yen, which is the same level as the burden reduction measures in FY2023. (Note 1) In FY2023, 2.09 yen per kWh is discounted for 10 months (from June 2023 to March 2024) (Note 2) Calculated based on the fuel cost adjustment unit price applicable in March 2024 2. Measures to reduce burden for low-voltage customers We will reduce the burden of electricity bills on mainly household customers, conduct campaigns to support the customers with life stage changes, and promote the customers’ use of renewable energy. The scale of implementation is expected to be approximately 8 billion yen, the same as the burden reduction measures in FY2023. (1) Discounts on electricity rates for households with children or elderly residents, and for customers who have moved and newly signed a contract (continued and new) Following this winter, the electricity rates in the three-month period from July to September 2024 (for use from June to August) will get a 10% discount on households with children and elderly residents so that they can use air conditioning and other home appliances with less anxiety during the summer months when electricity consumption becomes high. In addition, in order to support customers who are moving for new employment or job transfer and facing increased burdens in their new lives, the customers who newly sign a contract by May 31, 2024, will also be eligible for the discount. The customers who have applied for "Support for Winter Lifestyle! 10% discount on electricity rates (Note 3)" in FY2023, will automatically be applied. (Note 3) A campaign offering a 10% discount on electricity rates for two months in January and February 2024 (for use in December 2023 and January 2024) for customers in households with children 22 years old or younger or elderly persons 65 years old or older. (2) Free offering of "cancer insurance" and "nursing care insurance" for one year (new) In order to provide customers with peace of mind for every stage of life, we offer cancer insurance to customers aged 20 to 49 and nursing care insurance to customers aged 50 to 79 for one year free. The target customers are those who subscribe to the electricity rate menu with Chubu Electric Power Miraiz. After April 2024, a direct mail with an application form attached will be sent as soon as it is ready. (3) Initiatives to promote renewable energy use (continued and new) To promote the creation and effective use of renewable energy, Chubu Electric Power Miraiz will offer gift cards to customers who contract for solar power generation equipment or storage batteries through KatEne Lease. We will also implement an initiative to use electricity wisely and economically in accordance with the amount of electricity generated from renewable energy sources by utilizing the Demand Response (DR) service, NACHARGE.In addition, to ensure that customers can use EVs, which are becoming more popular to achieve decarbonization, without worrying, we will provide new support for the development of EV charging infrastructure, including subsidies for the installation of EV charging equipment at customers' homes and commercial facilities. Details on how to apply for each campaign will be announced in due course from February 2024 onward. We will continue to consider further campaigns to support our customers' lives and new lifestyles. The Chubu Electric Power Group will strive for further management efficiency and the development and provision of attractive services to meet customer needs, together with the stable delivery of electricity to our customers.

Donation for 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relieflink.gif 2024年01月17日 05時00分

We would like to express our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024 and our heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the disaster. To aid in the recovery of the people in the affected areas, Chubu Electric Power has decided today to donate 50 million yen to the Japanese Red Cross Society. We sincerely hope for the earliest possible recovery of the affected areas.

Assisting Intervention in Shareholders’ Derivative Lawsuitlink.gif 2023年12月26日 08時30分

Chubu Electric Power today received a lawsuit notice that four individual shareholders of the company (“the plaintiff”) filed a shareholders’ derivative lawsuit for damages (“the lawsuit”) against a total of 14 current and former directors of the company (“the defendant”). (Press release issued on December 26, 2023) Today, the company decided to make an assisting intervention for the defendant in the lawsuit, and obtained the approval of all corporate auditors. Details are provided below. 1. Reason for the assisting intervention Chubu Electric Power has made no agreement with The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. that restricts business activities, and there exists differences in fact-finding and legal interpretation with the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC). The company has thus filed a revocation action (Press release issued on September 25, 2023), and has judged that the plaintiff's claim premised on the JFTC’s finding is groundless. The company has judged that it needs to appropriately counter the plaintiff’s claims by getting involved in the proceedings of the lawsuit as an assisting intervenor, and demand a fair judicial decision. 2. Future response Announcements will be made promptly in the wake of any additional matters that should be disclosed as to this lawsuit.

Transition to a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Commi…link.gif 2023年12月26日 07時00分

Chubu Electric Power resolved in its Board of Directors meetings held today a policy to transition from its current “company with a board of company auditors” system to a “company with an audit and supervisory committee.” The transition will be made under the condition that it be approved in the 100th General Meeting of Shareholders, the hosting of which is scheduled in June 2024. 1. Objective of the transition Chubu Electric Power is committed to delivering safe, affordable, and stable energy with consideration for the global environment, and contributing to the sustainable development of local communities and society by creating new value that enriches the lives of customers. Aiming to become a corporate group that continues to grow with customers and society, Chubu Electric Power has also endeavored to enhance its corporate governance. Amid a drastic change in the environment surrounding Chubu Electric Power, balancing agile decision-making and a higher level of governance is taking on greater importance. Achieving this would require a further separation between the business execution and supervision fronts. Transitioning to a company with an audit and supervisory committee will allow for a significant and flexible delegation of business execution authority from the Board of Directors to the directors, and this is expected to enhance the agility and speed of decision-making related to business execution. At the same time, the transition will allow for strengthening the Board of Directors’ focused reviews on management policies and strategy establishments, as well as the function of supervising business execution. Moreover, audit and supervisory committee members gaining a voting right on the Board of Directors would further strengthen the effectiveness of auditing and supervisory functions. 2. Timing of the transition The transition is planned to be made after obtaining an approval on a required amendment of articles of association in the 100th General Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled to be hosted in June 2024. 3. Others The details of the amendment to the articles of association and personnel of executive officers, related to the transition to a company with an audit and supervisory committee, will be announced as soon as they are decided.

Receipt of Lawsuit Notice Concerning Shareholders’ Derivati…link.gif 2023年12月26日 02時30分

Chubu Electric Power today received a lawsuit notice that four individual shareholders of the company filed a shareholders’ derivative lawsuit against 14 current and former directors of the company. Details are provided below. 1. Plaintiff Four individual shareholders of the company 2. Defendant (1) Four current directors Satoru Katsuno, Kingo Hayashi, Hitoshi Mizutani, Takayuki Hashimoto (2) Ten former directors Akihisa Mizuno, Yoshinori Masuda, Akinori Kataoka, Chiyoji Kurata, Satoshi Onoda, Hiromu Masuda, Taisuke Misawa, Yaoji Ichikawa, Shinya Otani, Naoko Nemoto 3. Outline of the lawsuit In relation to the Japan Fair Trade Commission (“JFTC”) finding Chubu Electric Power to have committed conduct that violates Article 3 of the Antimonopoly Act which prohibits unreasonable restraint of trade (“the conduct”), the plaintiff demands the 14 defendants jointly pay a total of approximately 37.6 billion yen in damages as well as damages for delayed payment thereof by citing failure to maintain duty of care (e.g., negligence in being involved with or acquiescing in the conduct). 4. Public notice Chubu Electric Power plans to issue an electronic public notice as follows: “Pursuant to Article 849, Paragraph 5 of the Companies Act, the company hereby issues a public notice that four individual shareholders of the company have filed a shareholders’ derivative lawsuit for damages with the Nagoya District Court (case no. 4651 [wa], 2023) against 14 current and former directors of the company, and the company received the lawsuit notice on December 26, 2023.” 5. Impact on business Currently, the business of Chubu Electric Power has not experienced any major impact from the lawsuit. 6. Future response Chubu Electric Power will consider its response to the lawsuit based on the content of the Lawsuit Notice.

Approval of Changes to the Decommissioning Plan of Hamaoka …link.gif 2023年12月22日 01時30分

On December 21, Chubu Electric Power received an approval from the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) on the application for approval of changes (partially amended on October 23 and December 14, 2023) to the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Units No. 1 and 2 Decommissioning Plan (“Decommissioning Plan”) (Note 1), submitted on March 13, 2023. Also on December 21, Chubu Electric Power received an approval from the NRA for the June 19, 2023 application of changes the company made to the Operational Safety Program of Nuclear Facilities (Note 2). Chubu Electric Power will continue to steadfastly decommission Units No. 1 and 2 while both securing transparency and giving overriding priority to ensuring safety. 【Overview of application for approval of changes】 1. Decommissioning Plan (1) Postponement of the start of Stage 3 The start of the dismantling and removal of the reactor zone (Note 3) (Stage 3) will be changed from FY2023 to FY2024. (2) Addition of reactor zone peripheral equipment (Note 4) to be dismantled The suppression chamber (Note 5) as well as the primary containment vessel equipment hatch and its shielding wall will be added to the list of equipment to be dismantled. 2. Technical Specifications for Nuclear Facilities (1) Change resulting from revisions in the Decommissioning Plan Dismantling-subject equipment will be added, and changes will be made to the capacity of the radioactive solid waste storage area and the release control target values of radioactive gaseous waste. (Note 1) The Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Units No. 1 and 2 Decommissioning Plan provides an overall plan for the safe and reliable dismantling of Units No. 1 and 2’s reactor facilities, and also sets forth factors including the content of work carried out in the decommissioning and measures for ensuring safety. The decommissioning of Units No. 1 and 2 is divided and conducted into four steps, ranging from Step 1 (i.e., the “dismantling work preparation period”) to Step 4 (i.e., “building dismantling and removal period”). (Note 2) The Technical Specifications for Nuclear Facilities, based on the Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors, sets forth items the nuclear power reactor installer should observe to safely operate and decommission a nuclear power station (e.g., safety organization, safety measures). (Note 3) A reactor zone is an area including the reactor pressure vessel and its surrounding radiation shielding. (Note 4) Reactor zone peripheral equipment refers to such elements as the exhaust stack, turbine body, main condenser, feed water and condensate system equipment, standby liquid control system equipment, and main steam pipes, and indicates equipment excluding the reactor zone. (Note 5) A suppression chamber is equipment at the bottom of the reactor containment vessel and stores water. It features a function to direct steam stored inside the reactor or reactor containment vessel in an accident into water, and cool or condense it to suppress pressure increase.

Receipt of Opinion Hearing Notice from the Japan Fair Trade…link.gif 2023年12月20日 06時00分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Representative Director and President: Kingo Hayashi; “Chubu Electric Power”) and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. (Representative Director: Shinya Otani; “Chubu Electric Power Miraiz”) received an on-site inspection by the Japan Fair Trade Commission (“JFTC”) on October 5, 2021 for a possible violation of Japan’s Antimonopoly Act (unreasonable restraint of trade) as to the supply of special high-voltage and high-voltage electric power as well as city gas and other resources for commercial and industrial Chubu area customers. The two companies have since fully cooperated with the JFTC’s investigation. Today, on the supply of city gas for commercial and industrial Chubu area customers, Chubu Electric Power received an opinion-hearing notice on the (draft) surcharge payment order that is based on the Antimonopoly Act, and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz received an opinion-hearing notice on the (draft) surcharge payment order and the (draft) cease-and-desist order from the JFTC (collectively “the notices”), respectively. The two companies will carefully consider what actions to take from here on by carefully examining the content of the notices and receiving explanations about the content of and other factors related to the order that is to be issued by the JFTC. In response to receiving the (draft) surcharge payment order and in adherence to accounting standards, the third-quarter consolidated accounting period of the fiscal year ending March 2024 is expected to record a 26-million-yen extraordinary loss as a provision for losses related to the Antimonopoly Act. We apologize for the concerns we are causing among our customers, shareholders, local communities, business partners and other related parties.

Development of AI-based Hydropower Planning Support System …link.gif 2023年12月15日 06時00分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi; "Chubu Electric Power") and TSUNAGU Community Analytics Co., Inc. (President: Osamu Kuribayashi; "TCA") have developed a system that uses AI to support optimal power generation planning at hydroelectric power plants and yesterday jointly filed a patent application for the AIs incorporated in the system. Chubu Electric Power is working to increase power generation from existing power sources as well as developing new power sources in order to realize a decarbonized society. For hydroelectric power generation, Chubu Electric Power aims to maximize power generation by improving the accuracy of forecasting water inflow into dams through the promotion of DX and by operating with an optimal power generation plan. In addition, power generation plans for hydroelectric power plants have been currently prepared by skilled employees, who spend about half a day based on their experience and know-how, causing issues to improve operational efficiency and train younger employees. The system enables to simultaneously optimize the power generation operations of multiple hydroelectric power plants where water flows in and out of different rivers, which consists of the three AIs listed below. (1) Inflow Forecasting AI: Predicts the amount of water inflow into the dam based on the next day's forecast rainfall. (2) Historical Search AI: Searches for past power generation plans under similar conditions based on conditions such as dam water levels and available water volume on the following day. (3) Optimization Calculation AI: Creates power generation plans based on conditions such as predicted inflow at each dam, dam water levels, and power generation operation constraints to meet objectives such as maximum power generation and maximum power sales. Chubu Electric Power and TCA have together conducted the verification at hydroelectric power plants under Chubu Electric Power's service area in the Hida River system, which has a particularly complex configuration, from April 2021. As a result, it is confirmed an annual power increase of approximately 2% (up to approximately 30 million kWh/year for the entire water system, equivalent to the annual power consumption of approximately 10,000 standard households) can be expected through operation based on the power generation plan formulated using the system. It is also possible to reduce the time required to develop power generation plans to less than a quarter of the conventional time by utilizing the system, significantly improving efficiency. Furthermore, the system will enable the training of young employees, which until now has mainly involved on-the-job training, to acquire skills in a short period of time through simulations using the system. Starting with full-scale operation in the Hida River system in FY2024, the two companies will continue to introduce the system into other water systems, thereby contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society by continuously working to increase the amount of electricity generated by hydropower without emitting CO2.

Agreement with Sota Fujii Ryuoh Meijin for CM Appearancelink.gif 2023年12月13日 04時00分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. has recently concluded an advertising contract with Sota Fujii Ryuoh Meijin, a member of Japan Shogi Association. Born in Aichi Prefecture where Chubu Electric Power is headquartered, Fujii Ryuoh Meijin is a young shogi player who has continued to rewrite the history of the shogi world. The attitude of the Aichi native player who continues to take on new challenges successively in the traditional shogi world is exactly what we are aiming for in our various businesses, including energy.Fujii Ryuoh Meijin will appear in our branding advertisements starting next spring to convey Chubu Electric Power's commitment to extensive support especially for the next generation. 【Comments from Sota Fujii Ryuoh Meijin】 Since my hometown is Aichi Prefecture, I have been familiar with Chubu Electric Power from my childhood, and I am very happy to be appearing in their advertisements.I also feel that the viewpoint of supporting the next generation promoted by Chubu Electric Power is wonderful.

Kasugai City and Chubu Electric Power Launch Demonstration …link.gif 2023年12月06日 02時00分

Kasugai City (Mayor: Naoki Ishiguro) and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi; "Chubu Electric Power") will conduct a demonstration test on preventing sewage overflows caused by blockages in sewer pipes ("the demonstration") based on the "Cooperative Agreement on the Use of ICT to Solve Local Issues" ("the agreement"), which was signed in November 2019. The demonstration has started today. In sewerage facilities, oil and grease contained in wastewater from restaurants, factories, etc. can clog the inside of sewer pipes, reducing flow capacity and resulting overflows through manholes, which causes pollution of the surrounding environment, traffic obstructions, etc. Kasugai City requires a great deal of labor and expense for emergency restoration work in the event of an accidental overflow along with for periodic inspections and cleaning to prevent it happens. The demonstration aims to build a system that uses a float-type water level sensor installed in a manhole to detect the level of rising water inside as an indicator of overflow, and notify via the electricity smart meter communication network. Approximately 10 million electricity smart meters have been comprehensively installed in Chubu Electric Power's service area. Since the distance between the communication terminal within the sensor and the electricity smart meter is short, wireless communication between them is easy to connect. Therefore, even if a communication terminal is installed inside a manhole covered with iron lid, it is possible to notify rising water levels via wireless communication without communication cable installation.This enables remote and real-time monitoring of rising water levels in manholes without having the site inspections, saving labor and reducing costs in the maintenance and management of sewerage facilities, thereby improving services to residents by preventing overflows. The agreement will utilize Kasugai City's expertise in community development, including safety and welfare, and the Chubu Electric Power Group's expertise in smart meters and other equipment and ICT to work together to solve local issues. The two parties will continue to work together to solve social issues by combining their respective knowledge and infrastructure.

Agreement Concluded on Demonstration Test of Automatic Wate…link.gif 2023年12月04日 02時00分

Iizuna Town, Nagano Prefecture (Mayor: Katsumori Minemura; "Iizuna Town"), Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi; "Chubu Electric Power"), and Chuden Telemetering LLC (President: Hidetomo Noda; "Chuden Telemetering") today concluded an agreement on a demonstration test of automatic water meter reading ("the Demonstration") using the electricity smart meter communication network provided by Chuden Telemetering. Iizuna Town has a chronic shortage of meter readers due to the declining birthrate and aging society. In addition, there are some other issues during the winter season, such as a decline in the effective water ratio (Note) due to delays in finding leaks in residential areas caused by aging facilities and freezing, etc. as well as complicated billing process based on past water use, caused by accumulated snow which prevents meter reading throughout the entire town. In the Demonstration, we aim for labor saving in automatic water meter reading and early detection of water leakage in winter, confirming that the electricity smart meter communication network provides stable access to water usage data even in environments where water meters are covered with snow. We will also consider new value-added services that are beneficial to both water utilities and users, using the water consumption data obtained through automatic meter reading. Iizuna Town will use the Demonstration to deepen its knowledge of automatic water meter reading, solve various issues related to the meter reading, and improve efficiency.Chubu Electric Power and Chuden Telemetering will use the results of the Demonstration to further accelerate the creation of new value using the electricity smart meter communication network. (Note) The ratio of the water volume to be supplied to the water volume received as a charge <Outline of the Demonstration> Period December 4, 2023 to March 31, 2024 Location/Subject Residences, holiday homes, and public facilities in Iizuna Town: six units in total Verification details Evaluation of communication quality in environment with snow accumulation Evaluation of communication quality for each type of steel cover Verification of services for water users Verification of services for water utilities

Development of Green/Transition Finance Framework and Chubu…link.gif 2023年11月30日 07時00分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. today formulated the Chubu Electric Power Green/Transition Finance Framework (“the Framework”) to promote efforts toward realizing a carbon-free society and to further diversify financing. From here on, the Framework will be harnessed to implement green finance (corporate bonds and borrowings applied only to businesses with environmental improvement benefits [e.g., development of renewable energy]) and transition finance (corporate bonds and borrowings applied only to businesses that adhere to long-term transition strategies for achieving a carbon-free society) activities. The Framework has received an evaluation of its eligibility for various green/transition finance-related standards by DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE JAPAN K.K., a third-party evaluation firm. Further, transition loan-based financing applied to investments in power distribution advancements, and aimed at further renewable energy introduction, has been secured from MUFG Bank, Ltd. based on the Framework. Together with communities and customers, Chubu Electric Power Group aims to simultaneously achieve “decarbonization” and “safety, stability and efficiency” through the innovation of the energy infrastructure. (Note) MUFG Bank, Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. have offered support in developing the Framework.

Acquisition of Shares of Three Companies including Jenex as…link.gif 2023年11月28日 07時00分

In order to further promote the development of solar power stations, Chubu Electric Power decided to make Jenex, Inc., Jenex Partners, Inc. and Japan Energy Next Corporation ("Jenex Group") its wholly owned subsidiaries, and on November 22, concluded a share purchase agreement to acquire all outstanding shares of Jenex Group. This is the first time that Chubu Electric Power has acquired a wholly owned subsidiary engaged primarily in solar power generation business. Jenex Group is involved in the development, operation, maintenance, and management of solar power plants, and owns approximately 200 solar power plants (total power output: 83,000 kW) mainly in five prefectures of the Chubu area. Jenex Group plans to further develop approximately 200 new sites (total power generation output: approx. 110,000 kW) in the future, demonstrating its high project development capabilities. Chubu Electric Power Group will accelerate the development of new solar power stations with the acquisition of Jenex Group as a wholly owned subsidiary, and utilize the developed power sources for off-site PPA (Note) services provided by retail electric power companies, thereby meeting the growing needs of customers for non-fossil values. (Note) Abbreviation for Power Purchase Agreement. Off-site PPA is a contract method in which renewable energy power source is supplied to customers from a dedicated power plant located off-site at the demand site. 【Reference】Overview of Jenex Group Company Name Jenex, Inc. Headquarters 218 Sawatari-machi, Hekinan City, Aichi Prefecure Representative Kiyonari Ishikawa, Representative Director Established April 2008 Capital 25 million yen Business Activities Development, operation, maintenance, and management of solar power plants Sales of renewable energy electricity Support for local decarbonization projectsSurveys and research on new energy in general Company Name Jenex Partners, Inc. Headquarters 218 Sawatari-machi, Hekinan City, Aichi Prefecure Representative Kiyonari Ishikawa, Representative Director Established March 2018 Capital 3 million yen Business Activities Solar power plant ownership Company Name Japan Energy Next Corporation Headquarters 1-7-14 Osu, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture Representative Kiyonari Ishikawa, Representative Director Established February 2020 Capital 5 hundred thousand yen Business Activities Solar power plant ownership

Responding to Demand for Filing Action from Shareholderslink.gif 2023年11月28日 04時00分

On October 16, 2023, the auditors of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (“Chubu Electric Power”) received a document from two individual shareholders of Chubu Electric Power requesting the filing of an action against a total of 14 current and former directors of Chubu Electric Power. (Announced on the same day) Subsequently, we commissioned an investigation of this matter to an outside law firm that has no interest in Chubu Electric Power's directors, and the Board of Auditors has examined the results of this investigation and considered how to respond to the demand. As a result of our review, today, all of Chubu Electric Power's auditors have decided not to file an action to pursue liability against a total of 14 current and former directors accountable, as they do not believe that there has been a breach of the duty of care of a good manager with respect to the matters pointed out in this demand document for the filing of an action.Kataoka Akinori, full-time senior corporate auditor, did not participate in the investigation or the decision to file the action against himself. With respect to the non-petition of this matter, a notice will be sent to the proxy of the shareholders concerned in accordance with Article 847, Paragraph 4 of the Companies Act.

Effects of Enhanced Water Level Operation Conducive to Powe…link.gif 2023年11月27日 05時00分

Since the flood season of 2023 (Note 1), the Japan Water Agency (“JWA”) and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (“Chubu Electric Power”) have been engaged in enhanced water level operation (Note 2) (trial operation to increase power generation using existing dams) for power generation at the Shorenji and Hinachi Dams managed by JWA. As a result of this operation during the period from August 16 to October 15, 2023, the Shorenji Hydroelectric Power Station and Hinachi Hydroelectric Power Station were able to generate approximately 140MWh and 27MWh more, respectively, than under normal dam operation. This is equivalent to the amount of electricity consumed by approximately 640 households per month (Note 3). JWA and Chubu Electric Power together will continue to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through the effective use of limited water resources. (Note 1) Periods of high rainfall and flooding, such as the rainy season and typhoon season. At the Shorenji and Hinachi Dams, it is from June 16 to October 15. (Note 2) A trial initiative to effectively generate power at Chubu Electric Power's Shorenji and Hinachi hydroelectric power stations by discharged water from the adjacent dams. The water is temporarily stored when flood control is performed or when swollen water does not lead to flooding, with the latest weather forecasting technology to the extent that it does not interfere with flood response and water utilization. (Note 3) Estimated monthly electricity consumption of an average household is 260 kWh.

Call for Publicly Offered Research on Nuclear Energy (Resea…link.gif 2023年11月17日 05時00分

To further enhance the safety of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station and improve the station's administration, Chubu Electric Power has been inviting applications for a wide range of research topics (Note). We compiled an overview of application for the research set to start in FY2024, as follows. 【Overview of Publicly Offered Researches】 1 Eligibility for Application(1)Researchers engaged in scientific and technological research at nationwide universities and public research institutes who are researchers or research group leaders capable of performing research into the fields of research listed in 2 (2)Companies with their research establishment located in Shizuoka Prefecture that are capable of performing research into the fields of research listed in 2 (also eligible for joint research with nationwide universities and public research institutes) 2 Fields of Research Targeted in this Call(1)Basic research that will contribute to future nuclear power technology. (2)Research that will contribute to improving the safety of nuclear power stations. (3)Research that will contribute to improving the decommissioning of Units 1 and 2 at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station. (4)Research that will contribute to improving the maintenance and operability of Units 3, 4 and 5 at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station. 3 Application PeriodNovember 17, 2023 (Fri.) to January 10, 2024 (Wed.) 5:00 p.m. [requisite arrival] Consultations regarding research topics and other matters are always available upon application. Questions pertaining to the description of application guidelines may be directed to us until the end of the application period. 4 Research Period 1 or 2 years from commencement in fiscal 2024 5 Research Fee/Number of Research Projects Up to 5 million yen annually per project, with total number projects equivalent to approximately 100 million yen in total research fee planned 6 Research Format Joint research or sub-contracted research 7 Selection Method An advisory committee consisting of persons of experience and academic standing from outside of the company will be established, and successful candidates will be selected through initial and secondary selection processes. 8 Research PresentationsThe results of the selected research will be presented at the research presentation held by Chubu Electric Power in Omaezaki City. (Note) Chubu Electric Power has been conducting research by public call from FY2013, and 2024 marks the 12th year for the initiative. The effort is intended for the Nuclear Power Safety Technology Research Center, established on the nuclear power station site, to discover wide-ranging technology from a new perspective based on research contributing to higher nuclear safety.

Start of solar power supply from the Chubu Electric Power G…link.gif 2023年10月31日 02時00分

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Representative Director and President: Kingo Hayashi; “Chubu Electric Power”) and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. (Representative Director: Shinya Otani; “Chubu Electric Power Miraiz”) have started supplying power utilizing “Shizugin Solar Park” which is a solar power station exclusively for The Shizuoka Bank, Ltd. (Representative Director: Minoru Yagi; “Shizuoka Bank”). In May 2022, Shizuoka Bank and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz concluded an agreement regarding an offsite PPA service (Note) which supplies electricity generated at “Shizugin Solar Park” to the head office (Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi) of Shizuoka Bank. (Note) Service that supplies electricity via power system facility from an exclusive offsite solar power station. Chubu Electric Power started the construction work for “Shizugin Solar Park” in March 2023 on land owned by the Chubu Electric Power Group in Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, and began commercial operation in September 26, 2023. Today, Chubu Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz hold the operation commencement ceremony for “Shizugin Solar Park” at the site, with participation from Shizuoka Bank, local residents and persons involved in the construction work. Shizuoka Bank is now able to reduce approx. 1,300t of annual CO2 emission by utilizing “Shizugin Solar Park”. The Chubu Electric Power Group positions renewable energy as one of the main power sources that contribute to decarbonization and improvement of energy self-sufficiency, and raises the goal to “scale up renewable energy to more than 3,200 MW with owned, constructed and maintained energy by around 2030”. The Group will continue to work together to achieve this goal by actively promoting initiatives such as development of renewable energy and provision of services utilizing renewable energy. 【Overview of Shizugin Solar Park】 Location 328-7 Aza-Kakinokihara, Miho, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka (on land owned by the Chubu Electric Power Group) Power output 1,990kW Developed site area Approx. 22,000㎡ Commercial operation start date September 26, 2023
